My love for the children’s book business developed when I was fortunate enough to land a job as a rights manager with a world-renowned book packager. It was my first full time job returning to the workforce after staying home to raise my three sons, it was close to my home and involved international travel…I hit the jackpot! Feeling incredibly lucky to be able to a part of this world I was amazed to see the creative process and evolution of a pop-up book from a hand drawn sketch to an amazing pop-up book.
In 2008 I decided to go out on my own and JNJ Agency was born. We are fortunate to represent some of the best pioneers in paper engineering including Maike Biederstädt, David Carter, David Pelham, Chuck Murphy, and James Diaz who have each had success with pop-up books for all ages, some of which are still in print after 20 plus years. Though our special emphasis in on pop-up books we also have a diverse range of novelty books to include sound books, touch and feel books, lift the flap books and activity books. We offer both co-edition and license rights.
A piece of fun trivia the JNJ in JNJ Agency came from my sons first names Joshua, Nathaniel and Jack hence JNJ Agency!
When life returns to normal, we will resume attending the Bologna and Frankfurt book fairs but until then we can offer virtual meetings by request.
Wishing you all a safe, happy, and healthy 2021!
Angela Jacob